Stoichiometry Calculator for Android
It is a reaction stoichiometry calcalator. It is also an equation balancer and formula weight calculator. It can handle fractions and decimals in formulae. It is an upgrade from the web version. It can handle arbitrary precisions

Linux from Scratch 8.4
The virtual machine is built using instructions from Linux from Scratch 8.4. It was tested using Oracle VirtualBox. There are two users: root, lfs. Both are preset with password: 12345. For convenience, wget, sudo, and ssh are built into the box
Beyond Linux from Scratch 8.4
The virtual machine is built using instructions from Beyond Linux from Scratch 8.4. It was tested using Oracle VirtualBox. There are two users: root, blfs. Both are preset with password: 12345. It has a xfce desktop. Firefox, mousepad, xfce-terminal,xarchiver, parole media player etc are built into the box. The guest addition were tested using Virtualbox 5.2.22 and 6.0.2